Recovery from addiction, although difficult, is possible. This personal transformation is a journey, not a destination, and we celebrate each participant's individual experience in that process. Every day we see addicts walking out these steps to their own freedom from addiction. With spiritual, mental, and emotional support addicts can live life in restoration rather than desperation.
Client Stories:
What do you like about ARC Recovery Services?
"The mission statement."- Rev. Timothy Henry​
"The support of the staff and the resources they provide for me."- Abygale Unrue​
"Helpful, caring, resourceful, & supportive."- Anonymous
​"Structure & safe living play to stay sober."- Anonymous

"This past week I've been struggling a little bit, feeling a bit oppressed. As my little bit of savings have dwindled, the enemy has tried to sow some seeds of doubt, pressure and some agitation in my peace that I have worked pretty hard to attain. Still, I have been able to tithe, to pay rent, and take care of my other basic needs. I prayed Psalm 91 over our house this morning because I have been awake since 3am, to a feeling of intense anxiety and oppression, unable to fall back asleep. So I went to an early meeting, met with my sponsor, then went to church. Message today was "Faith in the Storm." After church, the Lord laid me down for a long, restful nap. When I woke up, there's a text from my boss, asking me if I wanted to come in for an 8 hour shift tomorrow, extend my two shifts I had on Tuesday and Thursday from five to eight-hour shifts, and offer me an additional eight hours on Saturday. I would have been fine with an extra five to ten hours this week, instead he graced me with an extra 24 hours this week. He took my hours and tripled them, according to my needs! God's math is really much different than ours. For a second, I considered not tithing today, but I gave what I could, faithfully. With faith, patience and willingness, and doing the next thing, God WILL care for you. 1 Peter 5:7 says, "Cast your anxieties onto Him, because he cares for you." I hope someone took the time to read this and realize what an awesome God we serve today. If the enemy is messing with you he has no authority over you. The Lord is always in control and will thwart the enemy's schemes. He knows exactly what you need; He's ready to give you what you need, even the desires of your heart, if you ask. And nothing can stop His plans...
And He's not done with me yet
If you're struggling today, have faith and believe it will happen. God bless."- Shane Mares
Staff Stories:

What aspects of your job do find the most rewarding?
"Helping people find freedom"- Anonymous
"I feel I am getting a lot of great support from everyone, and that everyone is invested in my growth as a person and employee. I feel comfortable to share my successes and my struggles. I've never been in a professional environment before, but I can't see how one could be more loving or supportive." Aiden Howe